To Delaware County Sheriff, FBI, Ohio Wesleyan President, Provost and Faculty
Hello Black Sheriff of Delaware County,
We reported a criminal to you. Look at how many people are receiving this email. Including the FBI. And we're going to paste this on the web. Let's see how you'd ever get promoted.
Nigger, right?
We reported to you a Hispanic-Nigger-Red Indian from Ohio Wesleyan University. An obese low IQ so-called professor by the name of R. F. Jones. We are closing another email account where he was stalking us. Like you, he's extremely ugly and low IQ with lard covering his rat's brain. Like you, he's got nothing to look forward in life. Like you, he was born in a low SES home. Like you, he's a criminal, a nigger. But you never did anything about it. We told you to move the ugly obese animal into a mental asylum or jail immediately. Like you, he suffers from severe mental disorders.
Your parents were sold in america as slaves, right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Serves them right, they're still in hell.
We are happy beautiful people with lives. We don't have time to even look at you, so we just report you. Nothing you could do, right? Just Google Ohio Wesleyan today. No reputation left. Their ugly dog was very jealous of us. We have everything he'd never have. And OWU depends on student charity to survive. So the poor so-called professor feels like dying in his jealousy.
Like you, nobody likes him. None of these faculty members talks to the ugly low IQ so-called professor. He's on his death bed. He spends 24/7 on the Internet stalking and posting porn on YouTube. Nothing else to do in life. Nobody to talk to. No friend, no animal, no family. The lunatic tries very hard to stay out of mental asylum. We wish him quick suicide.
Google the lunatic if you care. We don't.
So we must close another email account because you were so incompetent you must be reported. Let's see how far your anus and the professor's anus will be in hellfire. Why don't you insert yourself in his large hungry anus, being nigger that you are? Nobody expects better from uglies like you. Your low IQ is infamous, all niggers are criminals, right? What are you doing in the police. Go to Ohio Wesleyan faculty for a bathroom cleaning job. We're forwarding this email to them so they'd bear you in mind when they visit toilets.
What was your name again? Ok you'd be reported as Nigger Delaware County Sheriff.