At Ohio Wesleyan University, all faculty members and the president are paid through student charity. They have a Board of Trustees, they ask their alumni for charity in order to run the institution.
Imagine how professors from low socioeconomic homes feel about this. They are tremendously jealous, stay away from them.
For example, Dr. R. F. Jones, the lunatic professor of Ohio Wesleyan, is suffering from severe mental and emotional disorders (psychopathy). These people have genetic disorders, so they're really ugly and have very low IQ.
They're wannabes, will do anything to make a name or money.
Dr. R. F. Jones is in the porn business. YouTube won't delete his porn accounts. The psycho leaves porn ads there 24 hours of the day, every day. No other lunatic there. YouTube must be for lunatics.
As this American bar waiter class (in terms of socioeconomic status) we don't want to pursue this case too far. We only want to report, so you can stay away from them. If you go there, they'd ask you for charity to support lunatics.
Basically, we don't want to fight lawsuits against the American bar waiter class. You know how frustrated and needy it is. They'd do anything! These are criminals. Stay away.